March 2020 Featured Member

As we were getting ready to publish this post, we stumbled across some pictures of Jolene from when she was at another gym in town. Her progress from then to now is amazing! She's added a lot of strength and it shows! Night and day difference!
Being a busy mother with a husband and 3 great kids, she always makes time to workout, even if its for a short time! She'll even sometimes sneak in on her lunchbreak to get a quick workout in. Jolene, your dedication to working towards that 10k goal is inspiring. You're an amazing example to your kids and all other busy moms.
We love seeing you come through our doors and embracing the 'fun' we have in store for that day! You're a ton of fun to have around! Thank you for trusting us and being part of our family!
Q. How long have you been training at LIFT?
A. Since November, 2019
Q. What made you decide to try LIFT?
A. I wanted to try something different and I knew Katie from a different gym.
Q. In your opinion, what makes LIFT different than any other gym?
A. Every day the work outs are new and different. I also like the fact you can come in and work out anytime!
Q. What has been your biggest accomplishment since joining?
A. Working out 4-5 times a week! Getting stronger and being able to lift heavier.
Q. What are some of your goals that you wish to achieve in the next 6 months?
A. Being able to run a 10k without having to walk.
Q. What is something you'd tell someone just joining LIFT?
A. The small class sizes are great! Matt and Katie are super helpful and the work outs are challenging and fun!
Q. If there was a workout that you could make your trainers do, what exercises would it include?
A. Probably burpee's just because I'm not a big fan!
Q. Any additional things you'd like to share?
A. I have really enjoy working out at LIFT. I appreciate the fact that Matt and Katie take the time to get to know gym members! They also want members to be successful in their fitness journey!