August 2019 Featured Member

A little spitfire, J-Dawg, is our August featured member of the month for a few reasons. She came to us with a goal in mind which was to get ready for her BIG wedding day and she's been consistent since day 1! When she started with us, she was so focused on learning everything she could and pushed her limits and quickly became one of LIFT's strongest female athletes!
Jenna is a completely different person than when she started. She's found confidence with the free weights and the olympic lifts. We love listening to her stories that she shares with us because they are never dull and always have us laughing! You're awesome Jenna!
Thank you for trusting us with your goals and we love having you in our community!
Ope, almost forgot, we will NOT mind our own bobbers!
Q: How long have you been training at LIFT?
A: Since August 2018
Q: What made you decide to try LIFT?
A: I was not getting the results I wanted and feeling burnt out at my previous gym, so I went off a recommendation. I knew after the first workout that I’d be back and almost a year later here I am.
Q: In your opinion, what makes LIFT different than any other gym?
A: Katie and Matt are the difference. They create each workout every day, greet you with a smile, push you to do your best, and most importantly make you feel proud of what you have done. Katie and Matt even accommodate you by adjusting the exercises to fit you and your needs. This just ain’t any gym, this gym makes your soul happy!
Q: What has been your biggest accomplishment since joining?
A: I would have to say just how strong I have become and finishing the #2019liftspringchallenge. I have never been this consistent and committed to any workout plan. Who knew being a “beast” was such a compliment!
Q: What are some of your goals that you wish to achieve in the next 6 months?
A: Continue to increase the amount of weight I can lift while continuing to decrease body fat. Toes to bar....some day!
Q: What is something you'd tell someone just joining LIFT?
A: Don’t stop when it hurts, stop when you’re done.
Q: If there was a workout that you could make your trainers do, what exercises would it include?
A: Burpees, burpees, and more burpees. Why not a mile of burpees!
Q: Any additional things you'd like to share?
A: Thank you Katie and Matt for providing such a great experience! Oh, and Matt is cool, right Katie!? (*Editors note: The COOLEST!)